


Do you have stubborn pockets of fat in your abdomen, thighs, or buttocks? Are you unhappy with the appearance of your neck or chin? Do you feel your upper arms and calves are flabby? If you have tried diet and exercise but cannot seem to improve these problem areas, a body contouring surgical procedure called liposuction may help. It can give you the shape and silhouette you've always wanted. Your clothes will fit better and you'll look your absolute best. Keep reading to learn more about the various liposuction techniques and how they compare to other body contouring procedures.

What is liposuction surgery?

Liposuction is also called fat removal surgery, lipoplasty, suction lipectomy, or simply lipo for short. It is a cosmetic surgery that literally breaks up and sucks out fat cells from focal areas of the body. Liposuction is most often performed on problem areas like the chin, neck, upper arms, abdomen, back, thighs, hips, and buttocks. It is one of the most common cosmetic procedures performed worldwide.

Why is liposuction done?

Liposuction is a method of improving a person's body shape by addressing undesirable and stubborn fat deposits in specific parts of the body that are problematic for many patients. Liposuction is not a weight loss method. It is not a treatment for obesity. Patients who are obese may be candidates for other procedures like lap band.

Who is the ideal liposuction patient?

A person with stable body weight in a healthy range is a good candidate for liposuction. The procedure can help get rid of fat deposits in specific body parts like the abdomen or thighs. It is worth noting that while a liposuction procedure helps get rid of pockets of fat, it does not remove excess skin, cellulite, stretch marks, or dimples. Therefore, patients whose main concerns are these problems may not be suitable candidates for liposuction.

A liposuction procedure works best in patients with good skin tone. This is because in individuals with good skin elasticity, the skin is able to mold to the new shape and contour after the fat removal. Patients with poor skin elasticity may have less than optimum results. They can end up with loose or sagging skin after liposuction.

During the consultation, it is important to discuss your aesthetic goals with your surgeon. Depending on what bothers you most, belly fat versus excess skin, your surgeon will suggest appropriate treatments.

Surgeons may NOT recommend liposuction treatments in patients with a weak immune system, circulatory problems, diabetes, and other serious medical conditions.

How does liposuction work?

The procedure involves inserting a hollow tube called a cannula into the treatment area. The cannula is moved back and forth to break up the fat. A vacuum is then applied to the area to suck the fat out through the tube.

Liposuction treatment areas

The most common parts of the body where liposuction is performed are the abdomen (muffin top), flanks (love handles), back, buttocks, inner and outer thighs (saddle bags), inner knees, chin, neck, and upper arms.

Preparing for the procedure

You should give your doctor your complete health information as well as medications and allergies during the consultation. Your surgeon will give you instructions about stopping certain medications such as blood thinners and NSAIDs (anti-inflammatory pain medications) that can increase the risk of bleeding during and after liposuction surgery. You may need to get some lab tests done in preparation for the surgery. Your surgeon will take photos of the area to compare results before and after liposuction.

How is liposuction performed?

One of the most common questions patients have is - do I need to have general anesthesia to undergo liposuction? It depends on the liposuction technique. Some procedures can be done under local anesthesia with IV sedation to help you relax. Others require general anesthesia, in which case you will be asleep during the procedure.

The surgeon will mark lines and circles on the body in the area of excess body fat to outline where the incisions will be made. The procedure itself can last several hours depending on the technique. Your vital signs such as heart rate, blood pressure, and blood oxygen level will be monitored throughout.

If you have the surgery under general anesthesia, you will be moved to a recovery room afterward for a short period of observation. Again, depending on the technique and extent of the liposuction, your surgeon may allow you to go home the same day or you may have to stay overnight in the hospital or surgical center.

Types of liposuction

Tumescent liposuction

Tumescent liposuction is the most common liposuction technique. It involves injection of a sterile salt water solution into the area of excess fat along with an anesthetic solution containing drugs like lidocaine to reduce pain and epinephrine to narrow the blood vessels and reduce the risk of bleeding. The injection of the fluid during tumescent liposuction causes the tissues to swell and stiffen. The surgeon then makes small incisions in the skin and inserts a cannula (hollow tube) to suction the fat and fluid from the area. You may be given IV fluids to replenish fluid loss after a tumescent liposuction procedure.

Power assisted liposuction

This is a lipo technique that uses a powered cannula. The vibration from the rapid back and forth movement of the cannula helps break up tough fat. Power assisted liposuction may be associated with less swelling and pain and may give the surgeon more control, allowing more precise fat removal and contouring. It is indicated in patients who require a large volume of adipose tissue removed or who have had prior liposuction procedures.

Laser assisted liposuction

This is a technique in which a high-intensity beam of light (laser energy) is used to break up the excess fat, which is then suctioned out of the body through a cannula.

Ultrasound assisted liposuction

During this type of liposuction, the surgeon uses ultrasound energy to break up the excess fat and make it easier to remove. VASER is one of the new generation ultrasound assisted liposuction techniques that is associated with a lower risk of skin injury and more precise contouring.

Aftercare and recovery

You can expect to have some bruising, swelling, and pain after liposuction. Your doctor may give you medications to help control these symptoms.

Your surgeon may leave drains (tubes) in place in the surgical site to drain out excess fluid and blood. The drains will come out after a few days at an office followup visit.

You will need to wear compression garments for a few weeks after liposuction to help reduce swelling. The compression garment also helps prevent contour irregularities by making sure the remaining fat settles in the right places.

You should plan to take a few days off work after your liposuction procedure. Most patients need a few weeks of recovery before they can return to normal activities and resume exercise. The swelling usually subsides in a few weeks and the treated area begins to look less bulky.


You can expect to see the final results, with a leaner, more shapely body, in several months. The results are usually long-lasting, as long as you maintain your weight. However, it is worth remembering that as you get older, the fat distribution in your body can change, leading to a re-accumulation of fat in areas that were originally treated with liposuction.

Does liposuction permanently remove fat?

Liposuction involves removal of adipose (fat) cells from the body. It is a permanent solution and the fat cannot come back. However, a few adipose cells remain in the treatment area. If you do not lead a healthy lifestyle after the procedure and gain a considerable amount of weight, then the remaining adipose cells can grow bigger, leading to a re-accumulation of fat. If you want the results of your liposuction procedure to be maintained, you should develop healthy habits like eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly.

How much weight can you lose with liposuction?

Liposuction is a body contouring treatment. It is not a weight loss alternative. The best candidates for this procedure are individuals who are at or near a healthy body weight. However, since the liposuction surgery involves the removal of fat from the body, most patients lose around 2-5 pounds of weight after the procedure.

How safe is liposuction?

In the hands of an experienced plastic surgeon, liposuction is safe procedure. However, like all surgeries, it involves certain risks. Potential risks and complications of liposuction include bleeding, infection, numbness, and scarring. Sometimes, dents and lumps can develop in the treatment area if too much fat is removed. Other risks include fluid accumulation (seroma) that may need to be drained. More serious complications include fat embolism (this is when a loose piece of adipose tissue breaks away, enters blood vessels, and travels to vital organs like the lungs or brain) - this is a medical emergency.

Choosing an experienced surgeon is important to reduce your risk of side effects and complications. An experienced plastic surgeon understands how much adipose tissue can be removed safely . Most of the surgical risks of liposuction are related to the amount of fat removed.

Is liposuction right for me?

If you have tried lifestyle changes such as eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly and you are unable to achieve the body contour you desire, then liposuction may be a good option for you. The procedure can help improve your appearance through fat loss in areas that have not responded to diet and exercise. Your doctor will discuss the pros and cons of the surgery with you during the consultation. You will have a chance to ask any question that is on your mind. It is worth remembering that liposuction results are likely to be subtle rather than dramatic.

Can I have liposuction combined with other procedures?

Yes, liposuction can be combined with other cosmetic procedures, such as a breast lift (mastopexy), tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), thigh lift, buttock lift, and facial cosmetic surgery like rhytidectomy. The advantage of combined procedures is reduced downtime and recovery period, allowing you to take less time off work. However, not every patient is a candidate for multiple combined procedures. Your cosmetic plastic surgeon will help you develop a treatment plan that can be safely undertaken to give you the aesthetic results you desire.

Alternatives to liposuction

One of the most common alternatives to liposuction is a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty surgery. The key difference between the two procedures is that while liposuction involves removal of excess fat alone, a tummy tuck also removes excess skin and repositions the muscles to give the abdomen a tighter, more toned appearance. It may be possible to do a combined tummy tuck and liposuction in some patients. Your surgeon will help you decide on the best approach depending on your aesthetic goals and anatomy.

There are also non-surgical alternatives to liposuction such as CoolSculpting, a treatment in which fat cells are killed by exposing them to freezing temperatures.

Medically-necessary reconstructive liposuction

When liposuction is performed for cosmetic reasons, it is unlikely that your health insurance policy will cover the cost. However, in some instances, a doctor may deem that liposuction is medically necessary, in which case your insurance company may pay for the treatment. Some of the conditions where liposuction may be considered medically necessary include reconstructive surgery after mastectomy for breast cancer, fat transfer in people with severe injuries or burns, and removal of adipose deposits to improve mobility in people with lymphedema. Occasionally, liposuction is used to remove lipomas (benign tumors).

How much does liposuction cost?

The average cost of liposuction is $3,500. However, liposuction costs can vary greatly depending on where you live and how experienced your surgeon is. If you have specific questions such as - how much does it cost to get liposuction on your stomach? - it is best to consult with a surgeon in your area. They will examine you, understand your aesthetic goals, advise you on the best treatment options, and give you a quote.

Finding a surgeon for liposuction

Want to find out more about liposuction? The MeTime app makes it easy to find board certified plastic and cosmetic surgeons in your area. You can click and upload pictures and have suggestions sent directly to you. Book a consultation with a top-rated liposuction surgeon today. Try the MeTime app now!

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