Chin Enhancement


Chin Enhancement

The chin is a key feature in the face that can have a major effect on a person's overall appearance. A well-defined jawline contributes to a balanced and attractive face in both men and women. If you have a weak or recessed chin, a skilled facial plastic surgeon can place a custom-fit chin implant to improve your facial harmony. Keep reading to learn more about chin enhancement with chin implant and also find out more about the different options to enhance the chin and jawline.

What is chin enhancement surgery?

A chin enhancement surgery (medical term: genioplasty) is a cosmetic procedure performed to improve the contour of the chin and jaw bone. The surgery usually involves placing an implant near the natural chin bone to enhance the shape and size of the chin. This helps to achieve a naturally beautiful and balanced set of facial features. A qualified, experienced cosmetic surgeon can provide a permanent solution to a recessed or weak chin with a chin enhancement surgery.

Does chin augmentation improve jawline?

A chin implant can better define the jawline and achieve greater facial harmony, thus improving a person's overall appearance. In some people, a chin implant can bring balance between the chin and nose. The increase in height or width of the chin that is achieved with an implant can make the jawline appear more defined and triangular in shape. The procedure can balance facial features and reverse problems such as chin dimpling.

However, in people with significant signs of aging, a facelift or neck surgery may be needed to tighten the sagging tissues in the lower face and neck and create a defined, improved jawline.

Why consider getting a chin implant?

A recessed or underdeveloped chin and facial features that are out of proportion are some of the common reasons people choose to undergo a chin implant cosmetic surgery. This procedure, or non surgical chin augmentation, can help a person feel more confident about their appearance. You should consider chin augmentation if you want improved facial harmony, better proportion with your other facial features, more definition to a weak or recessed chin, or reduced appearance of a double chin due to a small chin bone.

How is chin implant surgery performed?


You will be seen for a consultation appointment to determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure called genioplasty. At this time, the surgeon will obtain a thorough medical history, examine your face, and perhaps obtain some imaging. They will also show you before/after chin implant photos to give you an idea of what can be achieved.


A chin implant is a small, solid implant made of silicone or some other biocompatible material that is safe and pliable. It can be molded and custom-fit to your chin bone. The implants are available in a variety of sizes and contours. Your facial cosmetic surgeon will help you select the most appropriate implant to achieve the desired enhancement and natural looking results.

After insertion, a chin implant does not feel very different from the natural chin bone. It is not usually possible for other people to tell that you have had chin enhancement. The surgeon makes a small incision inside the mouth or under the chin to place the chin implant, so the scars are minimal. A skilled plastic surgeon can perform the chin augmentation to achieve facial balance and harmony keeping in mind the facial proportions between various features.

Chin implant surgery is done by plastic surgeons or cosmetic surgeons. It is an outpatient procedure and no overnight hospital stay is required. The procedure can be done using local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia. The operation takes around 1 hour to complete. If you are having additional plastic surgery performed, it may take longer. Once the implant is in place, the incision in the mouth is closed with stitches and the chin is bandaged.

Sliding genioplasty

A type of chin enhancement called a sliding genioplasty involves cutting a part of the chin bone and moving it to correct a chin deficiency.

How long does chin enhancement last?

You will get permanent results from a chin augmentation with an implant. Chin implants are made of a very strong and durable material that is intended to last a lifetime. Keep in mind, however, that as you grow older, the process of aging will affect your skin and facial appearance and can lead to changes in your chin contour. However, the chin enhancement obtained with the implant will not change. Very rarely, trauma to the face can damage a chin implant. This may require a second surgery to replace the implant.

Recovery after chin implant surgery

If you have the surgery under general anesthesia, you should arrange for someone to drive you home. A chin augmentation with implant is associated with very little downtime. Most patients are back to routine activities and work within 7 days. The discomfort after the surgery is usually minimal and easily managed with cold compresses and pain medication.

You will go home with a bandage that will need to stay in place for 2-3 days. There may be some tenderness at the surgical site, which can be managed with pain medication. You might experience a tight, stretched feeling in the chin area - this typically goes away in a few days.

While you heal from chin implant surgery, you will need to keep your head raised and sleep with your face up for a couple of weeks. This will help to control swelling and protect the incision in the mouth or in the skin under the chin while it is healing. Your surgeon may instruct you to eat a liquid diet or soft foods for 1-2 days after chin surgery. You can resume strenuous activity in 3-4 weeks after chin augmentation. You should follow your surgeon’s instructions to ensure an uneventful recovery and optimum results. Final results will be seen 4 weeks after surgery when the swelling has gone down.

What are the risks of chin implant surgery?

A chin implant surgery is a relatively safe procedure and complications are rare when it is done by a qualified and skilled cosmetic surgeon. However, like all surgical procedures, there are possible risks including bleeding, infection, hematoma (blood collection), implant migration, scarring, and anesthesia risks.

Are there any other surgical and non surgical chin augmentation treatments?

Besides chin implants, there are many other ways to achieve chin augmentation. The implant also can be combined with other procedures for optimum results. For example, some patients may benefit from a rhinoplasty (nose job) plus chin augmentation. Someone might be a good candidate for neck liposuction and chin implants. This type of surgery gets rid of excess fat in the chin area for better jawline definition and at the same time gives a stronger chin.

Other types of chin surgery include mandibular advancement (moving the chin bone forward to a new position to address a receding chin), chin reduction (sculpting the chin bone to reduce its size), and liposuction (removing excess fat from below the chin and in the neck). Orthognathic jaw surgery can be done to address problems such as structural defects in the jaw, birth defects, and severely crooked teeth. Many patients choose additional procedures like facelift or neck lift along with chin augmentation with implant to improve the overall appearance of the lower face.

Non surgical chin augmentation

Even though the incision is made inside the mouth and the scar is not visible, cosmetic surgery is not for everyone. A non surgical method of achieving chin augmentation is using hyaluronic acid fillers like Juvederm Voluma and Radiesse. Dermal fillers for facial contouring give instant results with no surgery, no anesthesia, and no downtime. The upfront cost is lower than chin implants. However, the results are temporary and touch-up treatments are required every few months. As a result, costs can add up over time. Also, fillers cannot achieve the dramatic results that are possible with chin implants.

Chin implants vs. dermal fillers: Which one is right for me?

Your surgeon will help you decide. Many patients start with filler injections to see how they like their new look and get a sense of what the implant will look like. Fillers may be all that is needed for some people who desire modest chin augmentation without an incision or surgery. However, if you want a substantial improvement, you will likely need a chin implant. The advantage is that it is a one-and-done procedure with no touch-ups needed. In general, it's a good idea to try fillers and then make permanent changes with a chin implant when you're ready.

How much does jawline enhancement cost?

The average cost of a chin implant cosmetic surgery is $2,300 according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. The cost can vary greatly depending on where you live, the skill and experience of your surgeon, the type of implant you get, and any additional procedure such as rhinoplasty.

Finding a facial cosmetic surgeon for chin augmentation

A key decision to make when you are considering having chin enhancement performed is the surgeon who will do your procedure. Patients should choose a surgeon who not only has extensive experience in facial cosmetic surgery and chin implants but also has an aesthetic sense that matches theirs to get the desired result. A good way to judge this is to look at before and after photos of chin implants in the surgeon's other patients. The results should look natural and not "done."

The MeTime app makes it easy to connect with facial plastic surgeons in your area. You can chat with experts, send photos across, set up a video consultation, and book an office appointment when you're ready. Download the MeTime app today!

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