


Many people struggle with excess fat deposits and loose skin in localized areas such as the abdomen, flanks, hips, thighs, and upper arms. These areas are typically resistant to diet and exercise. They can be corrected with surgical procedures like traditional liposuction. However, this method of body contouring is associated with a long recovery time.

Now, there is a new method of permanent fat reduction called the Tickle Lipo technique. This treatment can improve your body contour in a minimally invasive manner with less discomfort. Continue reading to learn more about this innovative procedure and how it compares to other liposuction procedures.

What is Tickle Lipo?

Tickle Lipo is one of the newest fat removal procedures approved by the FDA for body sculpting. The technique used during liposuction Tickle Lipo is called Nutational Infrasonic Liposculpture (NIL). Patients typically experience a tickling sensation or vibrating sensation during the treatment and hence the name.

A key advantage of this body fat removal procedure is that it can loosen fat cells and remove them without harming the surrounding non fatty tissue. Tickle Lipo can get rid of stubborn fat in areas such as the abdomen, waist, hips, thighs, and more, which are usually resistant to exercise efforts. And this can be achieved with less discomfort for patients and a faster recovery compared to other methods of liposuction.

What are the benefits of Tickle Lipo?

Tickle lipo helps to remove unwanted fat and excess skin that typically occurs with age. Some of the benefits of this body contouring procedure include:

  • Easy, convenient, and affordable.
  • Removes fat from areas that do not respond to diet and exercise.
  • Immediate results.
  • Safe reduction of fat cells.
  • Minimal discomfort and very little bruising and swelling.
  • Minimal downtime (you can return to work and normal activities the next day and resume exercise after 2 weeks).

How does Tickle liposuction remove fat cells?

As noted, Tickle Lipo uses an advanced technology called NIL (nutational infrasonic liposculpture). During the procedure, a thin hollow needle called a cannula is introduced into the skin in the treatment area through tiny incisions. The cannula vibrates as it loosens fat cells and suctions out the fat pockets, allowing for easier removal of the unwanted adipose tissue. Also, the vibrating cannula blocks the pain signals to the brain, making the procedure less painful compared to traditional liposuction.

What are the treatment areas for Tickle Lipo?

The Tickle body sculpting treatment can be performed in common trouble spots such as the chin, neck, upper arms, bra rolls, back, abdomen, waist, hips, buttocks, inner and outer thighs, and more.

How much fat can be removed with Tickle Lipo?

It is worth noting that Tickle Lipo is a body sculpting treatment. It is a cosmetic surgery designed to get rid of annoying or stubborn fat. It is not a weight loss procedure. You will not lose weight to any significant degree after Tickle liposuction. However, you will find that your clothes fit better and you have an overall improved appearance with a more sculpted body. Therefore, you should think of Tickle lipo as a finishing touch to your exercise and diet efforts.

What makes Tickle Lipo different from traditional liposuction?

Many forms of liposuction use sharp instruments or heat for fat removal. This causes significant tissue damage. The vibration used during Tickle Liposuction causes less trauma to the surrounding tissue than other lipo techniques. Less tissue trauma results in less pain, less downtime, and a faster recovery for patients. As a result, most patients do not require prescription pain medication after Tickle Lipo. Also, Tickle Lipo can be performed under local anesthesia unlike traditional liposuction that may require general anesthesia (depending on the treatment area).

What should I expect during the Tickle Lipo procedure? Will it hurt?


The procedure can be done in a doctor's office (exam room) or an operating room. As noted, general anesthesia is not necessary for Tickle Lipo. A numbing tumescent fluid that contains medicine for local anesthesia helps to reduce any pain. This fluid is given via the same narrow tube called a cannula which is used to remove the fat cells.


In addition to the local anesthetic, the gentle vibration of the cannula blocks pain signals to the brain. As a result, patients experience little or no discomfort with Tickle Lipo. Most patients experience only a tickling sensation and no pain during the procedure. What's more, there is faster recovery because the surrounding tissue is not damaged. And the results are visible immediately after the lipo treatment.

What results can I expect? How long do lipo results last?

You can expect to get smoother contours immediately after your Tickle Lipo procedure. This means you will have a more shapely body and your clothes will fit better. Notably, there will be no visible scar after the treatment because the cannula is inserted into the skin through a very small incision. The results are permanent as long as you avoid gaining weight.

How long does it take for swelling to go down after Tickle Lipo?

As noted above, patients experience a much faster recovery after Tickle Lipo. There is less bruising and swelling compared to other forms of lipo. Most of the swelling goes down after 2-3 days of Tickle Lipo and the recovery is quick. Wearing the compression garments as recommended can help keep the swelling down.

In comparison, bruising and swelling after traditional liposuction can last for 6-8 weeks. Also, the compression garment needs to be worn 24 hours a day for up to 4 weeks after traditional lipo.

Making the most of your Tickle Lipo treatment

Your cosmetic surgeon will give you instructions and recommendations to ensure you get the best results from your Tickle Lipo cosmetic surgery.

The most important thing you can do to maintain your results is to lead a healthy lifestyle. If you gain weight because of poor eating habits or lack of exercise, unwanted fat can re-accumulate in problem areas and spoil the results of your Tickle Lipo.

How much does Tickle Lipo cost?

Liposuction cost with the Tickle technique is lower because it is done under local anesthesia. The average cost of this body contouring treatment is around $4,800.

Does insurance cover the Tickle Lipo procedure?

Your health insurance will not cover Tickle Lipo because it is an elective cosmetic surgery.

Ready to schedule a minimally invasive procedure for liposuction?

The MeTime app makes it easy to find and connect with leading aesthetic providers and cosmetic surgeons in your city. You can chat with experts, send pictures, and at the same time schedule a video consult. Find out more about Tickle Lipo - download the MeTime app today!

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