High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound


High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound

High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a relatively new facial rejuvenation treatment that is being touted as a replacement for facelifts. The technique has been widely used to treat tumors like prostate cancer. However, it has only recently started to be used for aesthetic treatments like skin tightening.

HIFU is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for brow lifts. It is also cleared to improve wrinkles and lines in the neck and upper chest area. The use of HIFU for facial rejuvenation, lifting, tightening, and body contouring is off-label, meaning the Food and Drug Administration FDA in the U.S. has not yet cleared it for these purposes.

How does high intensity focused ultrasound work?

HIFU uses ultrasound energy, which is delivered through an ultrasound probe similar to the device used during diagnostic ultrasound imaging. However, the energy generated by the high intensity focused ultrasound transducer is, as the name suggests, much higher. The device focuses high-energy ultrasound waves on a single point or tissue and generates intense heat which destroys the target tissue. In just about 20 seconds, the target tissue temperature can reach 150 degrees Fahrenheit. When used for aesthetic purposes like skin rejuvenation, the body responds to the destruction of tissue by kickstarting the healing process and increasing the production of collagen. Collagen is a protein in the skin that gives it structure and a plump, smooth, and youthful appearance.

HIFU facial

A high intensity focused ultrasound system for the face targets the layers of skin tissue under the surface. The rapid heating of the tissues leads to cell damage. Although this may sound counterintuitive, what this non invasive treatment does is it prompts the body to start its natural healing process. In other words, the damage stimulates the skin to produce more collagen, resulting in firmer, smoother, tighter skin with fewer lines and wrinkles.

Who is a good candidate for a HIFU face treatment?

HIFU high intensity focused ultrasound works best in people who are older than 30 and have mild to moderate signs of aging and skin laxity which they want to treat with a non invasive procedure. Ultrasound HIFU high intensity treatment may not be appropriate for those with a lot of excess skin, sagging skin, or extensive sun damage. Such individuals may need several HIFU sessions to see results. People with extensive skin laxity may not be good candidates for this treatment and may need surgery to get the desired results.

HIFU treatment is not recommended in patients who have open sores, active skin infections, cystic acne, or sensitive skin. Those with metallic implants in the target area may not be able to have this treatment.

What does HIFU feel like?

Most people tolerate the HIFU procedure well. There may be some slight discomfort, which many patients describe like a mild prickly sensation or tiny electrical pulses in the skin. You might also get a sensation of heat in the skin.

If you are anxious about pain, your doctor may give you pain medication like acetaminophen or ibuprofen before the treatment to reduce discomfort.

There can be some mild swelling and redness in the treated area, but this usually resolves in a few hours.

Benefits of high-intensity focused ultrasound

HIFU treatment is a non surgical, non invasive alternative to facelifts that has been gaining popularity in the last few years. The aesthetic benefits of HIFU include:

  • Reduction in fine lines and wrinkles with smoother skin.
  • Lifting of the eyebrows, eyelids, and cheeks.
  • Better definition of the jawline.
  • Tightening of loose skin on the face and neck (turkey neck).
  • High patient satisfaction rates.
  • Long-lasting results.

How successful is HIFU?

Several clinical trials have shown that high intensity focused ultrasound is a safe and effective non invasive method of reducing wrinkles and lifting facial tissues. Patients are able to see long term results without the risks associated with more invasive procedures like facelift surgery.

The results of a HIFU treatment in the face are visible soon after the procedure with some plumping of the skin. However, the best results are achieved after 2-3 months. The body continues to regenerate collagen in the treated areas for up to 6 months after HIFU.

Studies have found that an overwhelming majority of patients, nearly 98%, describe the improvement after the HIFU treatment as very good or beyond their expectations.

The results of HIFU face treatments are long lasting. However, it is worth remembering that you will probably need to have additional treatments as the natural aging process continues over time.

Can high-intensity focused ultrasound treatment replace face lifts?

HIFU treatment can be safely and effectively used for facial rejuvenation. It can help achieve facial lifting and a reduction in wrinkles without the risks associated with a facelift surgery. High intensity focused ultrasound can therefore be a promising non invasive replacement for facelifts. However, it may not be appropriate for all patients.

For example, in patients with significant signs of facial aging, HIFU cannot provide any real or sustainable lift, especially in areas like the jowls (loose facial skin hanging down over the jaw).

Nonetheless, HIFU may be a good alternative to a facelift in younger patients with less severe facial aging and skin sagging. It is worth considering in patients who do not want the risks and recovery time required for facelift surgery.

Advantages of HIFU vs facelift

  • Non invasive procedure.
  • No incisions or blood loss.
  • Lower cost (average cost of HIFU for the face is $1700 compared to $7,500 for a facelift).
  • Essentially no recovery time (recovery time from a facelift can be up to 4 weeks).
  • Lower risk of side effects, typically limited to mild redness and swelling in the treated area.

What happens before a HIFU procedure?

Your provider will see you for a consultation in the office. They will examine your face and discuss the things that bother you about your appearance. They will then talk to you about the minimally invasive HIFU treatment, including what to expect and potential risks. It is important to ask questions at this stage. You must understand that HIFU is not a miracle cure for aging. People with mild to moderate facial aging get the best results from this procedure. Over time, however, the aging process continues and you may need to repeat the HIFU treatment.

What happens during a HIFU procedure?

You do not need any special preparation before HIFU treatments. You should go to the appointment with a clean face, free of makeup and skin products.

Your aesthetic provider will clean the target area. They may apply a numbing cream before applying the ultrasound gel and placing the ultrasound probe on your skin. Once they have adjusted the settings, they will deliver ultrasound beams to the target area in short pulses. The treatment will last 30-90 minutes.

How often should HIFU be done?

The number of high intensity focused ultrasound treatments you need will depend on your skin condition. Some patients require only a single treatment. In others, 2-3 more treatments may be needed, spaced about 3 months apart. Maintenance treatments may be recommended once a year.

How painful is a HIFU facial?

Some patients experience mild discomfort or pain immediately after the treatment. However, the discomfort is short-lived and usually resolves without any intervention.

What happens after a HIFU procedure?

You can go home immediately after the focused ultrasound therapy and resume all normal activities the same day. Your doctor will advise you to avoid heat exposure as this can aggravate sensitive skin. This means you will need to avoid saunas, steam rooms, and hot tubs as well as hot showers that can strip the skin of natural protective oils and make it more vulnerable and sensitive.

Can I have Botox after HIFU?

You will be advised by your doctor to avoid Botox injections for at least 4 weeks after high intensity focused ultrasound treatment.

What are the side effects of HIFU?

When performed by a trained and qualified professional, focused ultrasound HIFU high intensity treatment of facial aging is considered to be a very safe procedure. The most common side effects are slight swelling and redness, which usually subside in a few hours after the guided focused ultrasound procedure. A tingling sensation may persist for several weeks, however. Sometimes, this minimally invasive treatment can cause temporary numbness or bruising that can take a few days to resolve.

Is high-intensity focused ultrasound safe?

High intensity focused ultrasound is a safe and effective treatment with a low risk of complications.

Can HIFU damage your skin?

The energy from a HIFU device is targeted at the tissue below the skin surface. Therefore, HIFU treatments do not damage the surface or upper layers of the skin.

High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) for prostate cancer

HIFU is approved by the Food and Drug Administration in the United States as a minimally invasive treatment of prostate cancer. Cancer treatment with HIFU involves focusing sound waves on the diseased prostate tissue for tumor ablation (destruction of cancer cells). The concept is similar to using a magnifying glass to focus the sun's rays to burn a hole in a leaf. During HIFU cancer treatment, the target prostate tissue is destroyed with guided focused ultrasound beams which are transmitted to the prostate tissue through the rectum. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used to identify the precise locations to focus the ultrasound waves. The ultrasound HIFU high intensity sound waves generate intense heat and lead to a rapid rise in prostate tissue temperature, resulting in a destruction of cancer cells. Guided focused ultrasound is a minimally invasive treatment which leaves surrounding healthy tissue intact and therefore minimizes side effects from the tumor ablation.

Advantages of HIFU prostate cancer treatment

Treatment of localized prostate cancer with HIFU has several advantages. It is a same-day outpatient procedure that is minimally invasive with limited side effects compared to other treatments like radiation therapy. There are no cuts or blood loss. The HIFU high intensity focused treatment does not involve exposure to ionizing radiation. The procedure can be individualized for a patient by focusing the high intensity ultrasound energy on the target prostate tissue.

Brain Tumors

Besides prostate cancer treatment, HIFU high intensity focused sound waves can also be used for ultrasound surgery of other cancers such as brain tumors. This is a minimally invasive method of tumor ablation using ultrasound energy. However, such a procedure may not be appropriate for all brain tumors, because while it destroys diseased brain tissue, the high intensity focused ultrasound HIFU can also disrupt the blood brain barrier.

Uterine Fibroids

Besides cancer treatment, other HIFU uses include the treatment of uterine fibroids, which are non-cancerous growths in the uterus that are very common during the childbearing years in women.

Parkinson's Disease

HIFU treatment for Parkinson's disease is a non invasive approach that uses magnetic resonance and ultrasound waves to destroy the brain tissue causing tremors.

Why not use diagnostic ultrasound to guide and monitor HIFU?

As noted above, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used to guide the application of high-energy sound waves during an ultrasound treatment of prostate cancer or other conditions. This is because real time monitoring of the ultrasound waves is necessary during the high intensity focused ultrasound surgery. Doctors cannot use diagnostic ultrasound to monitor ultrasound surgery because the focused ultrasound high energy echoes are picked up by the diagnostic imaging transducer.

How much does HIFU treatment cost for the face?

According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the average cost of a non surgical, non invasive skin tightening procedure using high intensity focused ultrasound is around $1,700. The cost can vary depending on the area of the face, neck, or chest being treated and the total number of sessions needed to get the desired results. Costs also vary by geographical location. Your HIFU provider will give you an estimate at the time of your initial consultation.

Finding a HIFU provider

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